Pitch It!

In this category, groups of 3 participants will present a new and innovative business idea to the judges (investors) in 3 minutes. The idea should be a totally new product or idea, or an inventive twist of an existing product or service. Groups should clearly explain what the product/service is, how it works, the expected benefits and the target market. Then there will be 5 minutes of Q&A by the panel of judges. Groups will need to be able to provide detailed answers to the questions asked by the panel of judges (investors).


Day, Date            : Monday. 28th of October 2019

Time                    : 13.00-17.30

In this category, groups of 3 participants will present a new and innovative business idea to the judges (acting as potential investors) in 3 minutes. The idea should be a totally new product or idea, or an inventive twist of an existing product or service.Each group member should contribute to the explanation.

Groups should clearly explain what the product/service is, how it works, the expected benefits and the target market. Participants are encouraged to use any necessary props. Then there will be 5 minutes of Q&A by the panel of judges. Groups will need to be able to provide detailed answers to the questions asked by the panel of judges.For inspiration, check out the TV shows Dragon’s Den or Shark Tank on YouTube.

Points will be awarded for:

Content (50 points)

  • Clarity – (how well was the idea explained?)
  • Question handling – (how well were questions dealt with?)
  • Interest – (ideas, logic, originality)

Delivery (30 points)

  • Physical – (appearance, body language, speaking area)
  • Voice – (flexibility, volume, intonation)
  • Manner – (directness, assurance, enthusiasm)

Use of language (20 points)

  • Appropriateness – (to conversationstyle e.g. formal or informal?)
  • Correctness – (Grammar, pronunciation, word selection)