Role With It!

Participants will be grouped with one or two other participants and given a scenario to develop when they get on the stage. The participants should appropriately respond to the scenario and any additional information given during the permitted time.

Example situations include: University reunion, family get together, office outing, wedding party.


Wednesday, 30th of October 2019

09.00 – 12.00

In this unique competition, individuals will have to collaborate with other participants (in groups of 3 or 4) to act out a dialogue in the assigned situation. Each group of participants (who will be from different schools) will be given a situation. They will then have just 1 minute to discuss among themselves to decide the roles of each participant and how the dialogue will progress. Participants should then ‘role with it’ and attempt to have a naturally sounding and logically flowing conversation. After 3 minutes, new information will be provided to the group, and participants should then adjust accordingly.

Points will be awarded based on the following criteria (modified from Toastmaster’s International Judging Criteria):

Content (50 points)

  • Relevance – (how well do responses align with the situation?)
  • Coherence – (how well do ideas flow?)
  • Interest – (ideas, logic, original thought)

Delivery (30 points)

  • Physical – (appearance, body language, speaking area)
  • Voice – (flexibility, volume, intonation)
  • Manner – (directness, assurance, enthusiasm)

Use of language (20 points)

  • Appropriateness – (to conversationstyle e.g. formal or informal?)
  • Correctness – (Grammar, pronunciation, word selection)