Short Drama

Groups of 3 – 5 people will present a short situational drama (8-10 minutes) of their choosing. Groups will only have 2 minutes to prepare/set up on the day, including setting up props etc.

Possible situations (but not limited to) include:

  1. Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown
  2. Haunted Hotel
  3. Safari Disaster
  4. Shipwrecked on a Remote Indonesian Island
  5. The Annual Pirates’ Convention
  6. Unruly Classroom


Day, date             : Tuesday, 29th of October 2019

Time                    : 09.00-17.30

Groups of 3-5 people will present a short situational drama (8-10 minutes) of their choosing. The drama should be related to theme, have a strong storyline and communicate a clear message. Groups will only have 2 minutes to prepare/set up on the day, including setting up props etc.

There will be no penalty for dramas under or over the suggested time limit. However, if the drama is still ongoing at the 11-minute mark, the drama will be stopped by the judges. A yellow sign will be shown between 10 minutes and 10 minutes 59 seconds as a warning. At 11 minutes, the drama will be stopped. 

Points will be awarded based on the following criteria:

Content (50 points)

  • Storyline – (ideas, originality, interest)
  • Characters – (believable, confident, convincing)
  • Message – (clear, logical, impactful)

Delivery (30 points)

  • Physical – (appearance, body language, speaking area)
  • Voice – (flexibility, volume, intonation)
  • Manner – (directness, assurance, enthusiasm)

Use of language (20 points)

  • Appropriateness – (to conversationstyle e.g. formal or informal?)
  • Correctness – (Grammar, pronunciation, word selection)

Possible situations (but not limited to) include:

Nuclear power plant meltdown

Haunted hotel

Safari disaster

Shipwrecked on a remote Pacific Ocean island,

The annual pirates’ convention

Unruly classroom